A downloadable tool

This page is made to regroup the current (and coming) assets and tools i have made to help me during my game developpements.

This is a way for me to retreive them easily and also share them with others.

List of the current assets and tools

Game Event

Game Event are Scriptables Object made to Handle Event in the Game. That allow multiple GameObject send "Messages" without needing referecing every object between eachothers.

There is two type of Game Event :

  • Simple that just send the event
  • Value that send the event with a value

Dialogue System

This is a Node based system that allow you to build Dialogue and store them into a scriptable object.

There is 3 types of Nodes :

  • Message that is made out of a text, a Sprite (Usually for the avatar of the talker) and an AudioClip (Usually for the voice)
  • Event that is using the Game Event system
  • Response that is simply a text that you can use to display a button link to the answer next message (or event)

What if i a have a feedback ?

Then you can post a comment in this page ! In the future, i'll think about using the issue system of gitlab !


Game Event
Dialogue System

Install instructions

Click on the "Download" button of the tool you want to get ! 

Then follow the instructions available in the tool page ! (There is all the informations abouts the requirements and how to install it)

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